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About Early-Stage Cockroach Nymph Molts

As with other stages of cockroach nymph development, early stage nymphs look a lot like adults. In this “How-to-draw” example, you will draw an early-stage cockroach that is gradually darkening in color.

You can download the printable “How-to-Draw an Early-Stage Cockroach Nymph” here. And download all the “How-to-Draw a Cockroach Life Cycle” sheets from the page here.

  1. Begin by drawing an arced line that looks like the head of a safety pin. This will be the top part of the cockroach’s body.
  2. Draw a line on the right that slopes down into the shape of a hook. This will be the right side of the cockroach’s body.
  3. Draw a line on the lefts side that also slopes down into the shape of a hook. This will be the left side of the cockroach’s body. Allow it to overlap the right side slightly.
  4. Draw a dome at the top of the body. This will be the cockroach’s head.
  5. Draw black dots for eyes at the bottom of the dome, two antennae, and a set of arcing lines to represent jointed segments in the cockroach’s body.
  6. Draw six legs on the body (3 on each side), and two curved stubby lines to represent the cerci.

You can download the printable sheet to drawing an early stage cockroach nymph here.

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