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Deep in the tropical forests and dense jungles of Madagascar, from a place hidden beneath damp leaf litter and loose tree bark on the forest floor, comes a loud, sharp hiss.

Below you, on the ground, the Madagascar hissing cockroach crawls through the evening darkness, searching for food among the detritus (fresh, fallen fruit or a leafy branch makes a good meal for these insects).

These giant cockroaches are fascinating examples of the adaptations that animals develop to survive and thrive in their natural environments. From its body and behavior to its communication and reproduction, it’s a unique and incredible insect.

Let’s delve into some amazing Madagascar hissing cockroach facts.

Biology of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Size comparison of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach vs the American Cockroach and the German Cockroach
Size comparison of a Madagascar hissing cockroach (middle) and two common house roaches

The Madagascar hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa, is a nocturnal scavenger that probably (not a great deal is known about its habits) lives on the first floor. It’s a member of the Blattodea order of insects but it’s quite different from those bugs in the much better-known Blattidae family—the American cockroach, German cockroach and others. While those species are now common around the world, the hissing cockroach has remained on its native island.

The Madagascar hissing cockroach is one of the largest cockroach species in the world, growing to 2–3 inches long as an adult—one could almost cover your palm from thumb to pinky—and weighing nearly 1 ounce. It’s shiny, oval-shaped, and has a long pair of antennae.

This insect is a sharp dresser. Its exoskeleton is a striking gradient of colors that range from mahogany brown to black. It has black, spiny legs. Stripes of light brown or yellow cross its back like the pattern of an armadillo’s armor.

Close-up, side view illustration of the horns of a male Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
Horns of a male Madagascar hissing cockroach

The Madagascar hissing roach has a unique pair of large, horn-like bumps that protrude from its pronotum (the foremost section of a cockroach’s thorax, which sits directly behind the head). Males use these horns in battles for dominance, similar to the clashes between head-butting bighorn sheep.

Females are not at all aggressive toward other cockroaches and have no need for horns. They typically lack these bumps altogether or have very small, non-functional ones. Their antennae are also smoother. Females are social insects and commonly form groups within colonies.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are flightless. While several other species of flightless cockroaches have wings, the hissing cockroach has no wings at all. Instead, its back is covered by a hard, wide exoskeleton that protects it from danger.

Though it can’t fly, it can scale smooth, vertical surfaces using special, sticky pads and tiny hooks on its feet. In the wild, it has no trouble scaling branches and tree trunks, navigating thick underbrush and climbing slick rocks.

The Hiss of the Madagascar Roach

Illustration of a Madagascar cockroach in a girl's palm with sound wave of hissing drawn above

Click to play a hissing cockroach sound

Communication via sound signals is common throughout the animal kingdom, from birds, snakes and frogs to meerkats, lions and whales. But among cockroaches, the Madagascar hissing species is unique. No other cockroach communicates audibly the way this species does.

True to its name, the hissing cockroach can send several specific messages via slightly different hissing sounds. These messages might be meant for friends, mates or predators.

How do hissing roaches hiss?

Illustration in closeup of Madagascar cockroach spiracles, used for breathing
The hissing cockroach hisses through holes in its body called spiracles.

Cockroaches and other insects breathe through tiny pores in their bodies. These openings are called spiracles and they’re located around a cockroach’s abdomen and thorax. As part of the insect’s respiratory system, spiracles take in oxygen and deliver it directly to muscle tissues.

The Madagascar hissing cockroach has a special pair of modified spiracles in its abdomen. By blowing air rapidly through these spiracles, it creates a loud hissing sound that can be quite startling to animals and people nearby.

This is much different from crickets, which rub their forewings together to produce chirping sounds, or frogs, which vibrate their vocal cords to produce their croaks. A Madagascar cockroach hisses in the same way a human would—by sharply exhaling its breath. Though not quite as loud as a cricket’s chirp, a cockroach’s hiss is audible from several yards away.

Why do hissing cockroaches hiss?

Madagascar hissing roaches produce several different types of hisses that they use to communicate with other cockroaches (and predators). They produce special hisses for aggressive encounters, mating rituals and emergency situations. Though it might be difficult for a human to understand the meaning of a cockroach’s hiss, these insects can understand each other and even differentiate between friendly hisses and aggressive hisses.

Males produce aggressive hisses during clashes with other males. They also hiss when trying to attract a female and during mating. Males use a long-range hiss to call to females and a short-range hiss to talk to roaches that are nearby.

If you come across a Madagascar hissing cockroach in the forest (or handle one), you’ll probably hear its alarm hiss. This is the disturbance hiss that all of these roaches can produce—males, females and nymphs—and it’s their signal that danger is nearby. It sounds similar to a snake’s hiss, which is another reason it can be frightening to hear in the wild!

Life Cycle of the Madagascar Cockroach

Illustration of Madagascar Hissing Cockroach nymphs emerging from a female
Illustration of hissing cockroach nymphs emerging from a female

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are different from most cockroach species in that they’re ovoviviparous—they retain their eggs within their bodies until they hatch and the nymphs eventually emerge.

Most cockroach species produce egg cases called oothecae that contain a dozen or more eggs in each. They carry these oothecae temporarily and place them somewhere hidden shortly before it’s time for the eggs to hatch.

The female Madagascar hissing cockroach, on the other hand, carries its egg case within its body while the eggs develop. Then, they hatch inside the female and, as neonatal nymphs—baby cockroaches—they remain in her thorax for several weeks. A female can carry up to sixty nymphs at once!

The nymphs remain in the female’s body for as long as two months before they’re finally born. After birth, the newborn nymphs become independent, fending for and feeding themselves.

A cockroach nymph molts its old exoskeleton and grows a new one several times as it grows. Each phase of development is called an instar. On average, hissing cockroach nymphs go through six instars over five months before they’re fully mature.

After it molts, cockroach nymphs sometimes appear white or very pale. They’re particularly vulnerable during this time because their new exoskeletons aren’t ready to protect them. The nymphs regain their color as the keratin (the protein that also forms hair, feathers and claws on other animals) that makes up their exoskeletons hardens. Sometimes, cockroaches eat their old exoskeletons to recycle the nutrients contained in them.

The hissing cockroach’s life cycle is a long one among Blattodea. The nymphal stage can take seven months, including the time they spend in the female’s body. Fully-grown adult hissing cockroaches can live for two to five years in the wild.

They’ll face dangerous predators and struggle through harsh dry seasons but these cockroaches have developed a few specific adaptations that let them survive the sometimes-severe tropical conditions.

Madagascar: The Hissing Cockroach Capital of the World

Map illustration of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach range.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches live almost exclusively on their native island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. Madagascar is the fourth-largest island in the world and is home to thousands of species of insects. While many other cockroach species have spread globally by riding on trading ships, this wild African cockroach has remained exclusive to Madagascar. Outside of the island, these insects exist only in captivity.

Hissing cockroaches commonly live on forest and jungle floors, crawling among fallen leaves, branches and decaying plant material. They’ve also been observed living in tree holes and hiding beneath the loose bark while they rest during the day. Plants and fallen fruit are typical food sources for these insects, who need very little to survive.

The African hissing cockroach lives in large colonies. Within the colonies, adult males are very territorial and will aggressively defend their space from intruders. A male might claim a specific rock or a fallen log for months at a time, rarely leaving its territory. These roaches hiss loudly to enforce the hierarchy of the colony and to ward off intruders.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches don’t live in homes or buildings naturally. Since they are wingless cockroaches and aren’t attracted to light, there’s very little chance these cockroaches will enter a human dwelling.

This insect is considered a species of “least concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This means the population of Gromphadorhina portentosa in the wild is steady and remains strong despite its limited distribution and ongoing environmental changes.

These giant cockroaches aren’t without predators, though. Madagascar is a huge island with a massive diversity of animal species and the hissing cockroach is an essential part of its food chain. Cockroaches are food for a variety of larger animals, such as lizards. Some mammals, including tenrecs, and lemurs, as well as birds eat roaches, too.

Fresh Fruits and Fighting: Diet and Behavior of Hissing Cockroaches

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are primarily nocturnal and negatively phototactic—which means they’re frightened by light. Because of this, they’re most active after sunset. Rainfall seems to make them especially active, probably due to the increased humidity. They spend the night searching in the dark for fallen fruits and plant detritus on the ground.

What do Madagascar hissing cockroaches eat?

Hissing roaches are omnivorous. They’re called detritivores, which means they feed on dead organic material, including plant parts and animal waste. Hissing cockroaches take in most of their water requirement from the fallen fruit they love to eat.

In addition to fruits, their food sources include insect carcasses, fungi and smaller insects. They also hydrate by drinking the dew from plants.

The cockroaches’ status at detritivores impacts more than their own feeding behavior—they also act as important parts of the forest ecosystem, breaking down decaying organic material and recycling those nutrients.

How do they protect themselves?

The hissing cockroach has a trick up its sleeve that it uses when threatened: it can tuck its head beneath the front of its thorax to make it appear like a larger, scarier insect. In this position, the cockroach’s horns protrude like a dangerous, armored helmet.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches have also been observed gathering tightly together to retain moisture during dry spells. These bugs dehydrate quickly and, while the tropical Madagascar climate usually provides plenty of moisture, it seems the cockroaches have developed a defense mechanism against the long dry seasons.

Fight Club: Epic Battles Between Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Male hissing cockroaches battle for two reasons: territorial dominance and mates. Usually, a fight starts when one male enters the territory of another.

During these clashes, male cockroaches ram into each other with their horns and their bodies, hissing loudly. Size generally determines which animal will be victorious but hissing is another key factor.

Cockroaches gauge their opponent by its hisses. Typically, the winning cockroach hisses more than the loser. These fights almost never result in physical injuries to the losing roach; they’re simply shows of dominance.

In a clash over territory, the defending cockroach will try to push the intruder out of his arena. This is a way to reinforce the hierarchy within the colony. Since several mates might be present within a male’s territory, it’s also a move to protect the cockroach’s offspring.

The cockroach who wins one of these blockbuster battles sometimes stilts, or raises its body high off of the ground. Scorpions exhibit similar behavior when they raise their tails high over their heads, lifting their bodies in the process. Along with hissing, stilting is one of the dominant cockroach’s intimidation tactics.

Cockroaches in Captivity

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are popular insects kept in captivity around the world. They’re frequently raised in laboratories and zoos for research and exhibition purposes. They’re also commonly used in classroom demonstrations, where students can learn about insect biology, the molting process, the cockroaches’ aversion to light and the importance of their place in the ecosystem.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches as Pets

Madagascars are relatively tame and large enough to observe and handle, which makes them great household pets for beginners. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is an especially fascinating pet because of its striking color, unique horns (in the males) and signature hissing sound.

You can fairly easily match their wild habitat in an enclosure (fish tanks, terrariums, etc.) with a log or piece of driftwood, some leaf litter and plenty of humidity. Wood chips and damp peat can be used as a type of bedding that let the insects burrow to escape the light. You’ll want to purchase an enclosure with a secure lid because these cockroaches can easily climb the glass or plastic sides.

You can feed them fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables (which is part of their diet in the wild). They’ll also thrive on dry dog food or a similar pellet food that contains plenty of protein. Pet hissing cockroaches can be purchased from local pet shops or through live delivery online, and live for up to five years with proper care.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are most vulnerable as nymphs, just after they’ve molted. During this time, their new exoskeleton is still hardening, so pet owners shouldn’t touch or handle the roaches until they’ve darkened in color.

Before purchasing Madagascar hissing cockroaches as pets, you should research your state’s requirements and find out if you need a permit to raise them. They’re considered invasive species in most places and shouldn’t be removed from their enclosure.

An Incredible Insect

The Madagascar hissing cockroach sets itself apart from other cockroaches among the jungles of its native island. With its horns, its hiss and its impressive colors, the hissing cockroach is the royalty of the cockroach world.

Through environmental changes and dry seasons, these cockroaches carry on, scavenging relentlessly for food and engaging in heated battles. Their dramas play out every day among the fallen leaves of the forest floor and, though they might be difficult to find, their hisses make them well-known to the rest of the tropical ecosystem of Madagascar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Madagascar hissing cockroaches bite?

Madagascar hissing cockroaches don’t bite humans or other animals. When they clash with other cockroaches, they battle by ramming each other with their horns. They defend themselves by hissing loudly. There’s no risk of being bitten by these insects.

How does the Madagascar roach reproduce?

Madagascar hissing cockroaches give birth to live young. Unlike most other cockroach species, which deposit their egg cases before the eggs hatch, the female hissing cockroach carries her egg case within her body and continues to carry the nymphs within her body after they’re born.
Baby hissing cockroaches remain in their mother’s body for about two months before emerging as nymphs in their first instar.

What are Madagascar hissing cockroaches’ predators?

This fascinating African roach is an essential part of Madagascar’s food chain. They’re a food source for several kinds of predators, including birds, reptiles and arachnids.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Clark, Debbie and Donna Shanklin. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Retrieved from https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef014
  2. Madagascar hissing cockroach. Oregon Zoo. Retrieved from https://www.oregonzoo.org/discover/animals/madagascar-hissing-cockroach
  3. McLeod, Lianne (2019) Keeping Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches as Pets. The Spruce Pets. Retrieved from https://www.thesprucepets.com/madagascar-hissing-cockroach–1236891
  4. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. South Carolina Aquarium. Retrieved from https://www.scaquarium.org/our-animals/madagascar-hissing-cockroach/
  5. Mulder, Phil and Andrine Shufran (2017) Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches: Information and Care. Oklahoma State University Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/madagascar-hissing-cockroaches-information-and-care.html

Cockroaches pop up in homes and businesses around the world, drawn in part by the easy food sources they find in them.

Though cockroaches can live a long time without eating anything, they spend most of their time either eating or looking for food, and food drives a lot of their behavior.

That’s good news for you, because understanding what and how they eat is one of the keys to controlling them.

So what do cockroaches eat?

Let’s see…

A Simple 5-Step Guide For Getting Rid of Roaches

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What Do Roaches Eat?

Like certain other insects, cockroaches are omnivorous creatures, happily eating both plant and animal matter.

They’re also dedicated scavengers and some of the least picky eaters in the animal kingdom. Just about everything digestible by humans can be food for roaches – and a whole lot more. If it comes from an animal or plant, chances are that cockroaches will eat it, including food that we eat and a lot of material (like paper, clothing, books, and roach droppings) we don’t.

Cockroaches Eat Human Food, Everywhere They Find It

Illustration of a cockroach facing frontward in front of shelled peanuts on a kitchen counter

Cockroaches not only seek out human food, but seem to prefer some of the foods we like most.

They like greasy foods (like french fries and things covered in butter and bacon grease), starches (like breads and cereal), meat products, and sweets. They even like beer so much that it makes for a very nice lure in a homemade cockroach trap.

But the thing to keep in mind about roaches is that controlling them hinges less on knowing their favorite foods than on denying them any food at all.

Here’s the ugly truth about a typical cockroach diet – the where and what of stuff they like to eat:

Food on Kitchen Surfaces

With food and water everywhere, cockroaches love kitchen surfaces. Countertop crumbs make a great midnight snack and roaches will target any fresh or processed food items that you leave out.

A few pieces of pasta or some stray vegetables in the sink are sure to attract cockroaches, and provide plenty for them to eat. Even a small splatter around a stove burner can feed them, too. Unsealed leftovers are a treasure trove for roaches, as are dirty dishes.

Food in Your Pantry

Chips, cereal, sugar and other pantry items are like a steak dinner to a bunch of roaches. They’ll chew through paper, cardboard, or even thin plastic containers to reach the edible contents inside.

Keep in mind that as soon as a package of food is penetrated by a roach, it should be considered contaminated. These bugs come from all kinds of unpleasant places and pick up lots of bad bacteria along the way. They truly live in places most people wouldn’t even defecate in.

Crumbs on Your Floor

When dealing with cockroaches, you have to get down on their level–that means focusing on the floor.

Roaches spend most of their active time crawling around on the ground. Even flying cockroaches usually stick to their feet when they’re out in search of food.

Carpets collect food morsels like it’s their job. And hunting for crumbs basically is a roach’s job. Your carpet doesn’t have to be dirty to trap plenty of crumbs for a cockroach. With its strong sense of smell, a roach will find every crumb that’s there.

Your Pet’s Food

All things considered, pet food is pretty close to human food (at least from a cockroach’s perspective). As a bonus perk for roaches, pet parents often leave a bowl of dog or cat food out overnight. That’s like leaving a buffet out for pests.

Even if your hungry pet leaves an empty plate, crumbs and residue are enough to satisfy a cockroach.

Your Store or Restaurant’s Reputation

Kitchens are cockroach hotspots for a reason: there’s food everywhere! And what other places have food everywhere? Restaurants and grocery stores.

A roach infestation in a restaurant or market can be devastating to the business’s reputation. Unfortunately, commercial spaces deal with so much food on a daily basis that it may be impossible to keep everything spotless.

That’s why restaurants and grocery stores are at higher risk of having cockroach problems. If you’re a business owner, it’s wise to have a professional pest control company inspect and treat your property regularly to keep roaches out and bring customers in.

What Else Do Cockroaches Eat?

Illustration of cockroach in front of a bunch of rotten, moldy grapes

Cockroaches eat much more than just the things we consider edible.

Roaches’ ability to digest cellulose lets them eat all kinds of paper materials and even some clothing. They’ll nibble on newspapers, book bindings, documents and cardboard boxes. Some cockroaches eat the glue on wallpaper and stamps, too.

The American cockroach and other outdoor species of cockroaches feed on piles of leaves, twigs and dead trees. Just about any decaying organic matter is fair game. That also includes skin flakes, hair and fingernails.

Many other roaches feed on roach or other animal droppings. Between garbage, dead insects and feces, there’s just about nothing organic that cockroaches won’t eat.

How Can Roaches Eat so Many Disgusting Things?

Cockroaches enjoy a symbiotic relationship with some kinds of bacteria that live in their digestive systems. The bacteria use the roach as a host and in return, provide the roach with nutrients and help it to digest many nasty substances.

One study found that a huge part of the genome of American cockroaches is dedicated to metabolizing toxic or dangerous materials. Their bodies have adapted over millions of years to surviving in harsh conditions and eating whatever’s available.

Cockroach Pest Control – Time to Act Fast

Closeup of a dead cockroach on its back- selective focus

Cockroaches can spread illnesses and contaminate food in homes and businesses. It’s important to have a solid pest control plan in place to protect yourself from these bugs.

Effective pest control starts with knowing where to find cockroaches. Focus your search on your kitchen and bathroom, looking for tiny crevices and in cluttered cabinets.

In the end, the best way to keep cockroaches out of your house is to clean diligently and make it as hard as possible for them to find food. If they can’t find dinner in your home, they’ll look somewhere else.

It’s important to get rid of cockroaches as quickly as possible. You can do it on your own with baits, natural pesticides and perseverance. Boric acid and food-grade diatomaceous earth are two products that you can use to kill cockroaches at home.

Or, you can call in the experts.

Remember, roaches are expert survivalists that spread quickly. They’re tough opponents! If you’ve seen more than a couple of roaches, it could mean a cockroach infestation, in which case your best bet is to hire a professional pest control service to get rid of them.

In the end, the best way to keep cockroaches out of your house is to clean diligently and make it as hard as possible for them to find food. If they can’t find dinner in your home, they’ll look somewhere else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do roaches eat roaches?

Yes. At least some cockroaches eat cockroaches. The Oriental and German cockroach will not only eat their dead (anytime), but when food is scarce – eat their eggs and young. And just like black widow spiders, American cockroach females will sometimes kill and eat their mates.

Will cockroaches eat clothes?

Some cockroaches will eat clothes. These bugs feed on skin flakes and food crumbs, both of which become caught in the clothing we wear. Roaches might try to feed on dirty clothing if there’s no other food available. Enough roaches could damage the fabric.

Do cockroaches eat dog food?

Yes! Even things your dog wouldn’t dream of eating can potentially be food for roaches–and that’s saying something. A few dog food pellets left out overnight is an easy snack for a cockroach (or ten).

Do cockroaches eat cat food?

Cockroaches like cat food just as much as dog food, and don’t care if it’s moist or dry. To keep them out of it, you either need to get rid of the roaches or cover the cat bowl any time it’s not completely clean.

Do cockroaches eat hair?

Yes, including the hair in your hairbrush, your drain, or that’s fallen to the floor. They’ll also eat eyelashes, shaving stubble, or any kind of body hair.

Do cockroaches eat paper?

Roaches are one of the worst paper eating insects and will happily consume newspaper, copy paper, receipts, cardboard boxes, photographs, and any other kind they can find.

Do cockroaches eat feces?

Feces is a rich source of nutrients for cockroaches and they’ll eat it wherever they find it. This includes dog feces, cat feces, and rodent droppings.

Can cockroaches eat wood?

Cockroaches aren’t like termites that consume and destroy wood structures. But some cockroaches do seek out and eat dead trees, rotten wood, and similar decaying matter.

Do cockroaches eat grass?

Some cockroaches will both eat and live in grass clippings, especially as the grass decays and becomes easier to digest.

Do roaches like spicy food?

There’s no evidence to suggest that cockroaches either like or dislike spicy food. They’ll eat most crumbs or bits of spice they find as they would any other food.

Do roaches like sugar?

Roaches will gladly eat sugar and things that contain it. Some roaches have developed an aversion to glucose, a particular kind of sugar, but are currently the exception, not the rule.

Can cockroaches get into sealed food?

Cockroaches can chew through paper and plastic wrappers, sealed zip lock bags, paper and plastic grocery bags, and thin paper and plastic food containers. They can’t get into sealed glass food containers or sealed plastic food containers with thick walls .

Do cockroaches eat fruit?

Yes, cockroaches eat fruit, especially decaying fruit. Be sure to check the bottom of fruit bowls and trash cans where discarded fruit and fruit peels may have collected.

Do roaches eat coffee grounds?

Cockroaches will readily eat coffee grounds if available. If you have a cockroach problem, you should clean up any that you’ve spilled.

Do roaches eat onions?

Cockroaches have no trouble eating onions. If you’re looking for a cockroach deterrent, you’re better off looking elsewhere.

Do roaches eat bed bugs?

Yes. Cockroaches are opportunistic insects and will eat creatures that are slow and easy to catch like bed bugs.

Do roaches eat ants?

Roaches will eat other creatures, but aren’t known to eat living ants. They will gladly eat dead ants, however.

Do cockroaches eat fleas?

Cockroaches will certainly eat dead fleas where they find them, but don’t seek out living fleas.

Do cockroaches eat salt?

Put out a bowl of salt, and no, a cockroach won’t touch it, simply because there’s no nutritional value in it and it could upset their body’s water balance. But salty foods? That’s a different story. Cockroaches will devour salty foods with as much gusto as non-salty foods. Do they like salty foods more? No, they don’t.

Do roaches eat toothpaste?

Yes, and they’ll not only eat the toothpaste itself, but any particles of food they find in it- including the toothpaste at the bottom of your sink and the toothpaste stuck in your toothbrush.

Do roaches eat baking soda?

Mixed with sugar, baking soda is a natural, safe, and fairly effective cockroach killer. Roaches won’t be attracted to the baking soda itself, but will eat it along with the sugar.

Do roaches eat soap?

Soap contains organic material that cockroaches will happily eat and digest.

Do roaches eat plants?

Plants are a food source for many cockroaches, but if you’re worried about damage to your home or lawn plants, you can heave a sigh of relief. Roaches prefer dead and decaying plants to living ones, and actually help to environmentally break them down.

Can cockroaches eat through walls?

Cockroaches can’t eat through walls, but can squeeze through the tiny holes, cracks, and crevices that walls sometimes have. If your walls are well-sealed, cockroaches can’t get in.

Do roaches eat spray foam insulation?

Cockroaches don’t eat spray foam insulation, but can burrow through it. They can also pursue food sources (like the remains from other insects) that exist in compromised foam. If they were to eat the insulation itself, they’d likely die from the borate that’s typically mixed in.

Do roaches eat wires?

Cockroaches don’t eat electrical wiring, but can be attracted to the wiring’s insulation. Electrical insulation is made from paper or cellulose, both of which a cockroach can easily digest. When that happens, the wiring can become exposed, shortening the lifespan of appliances and electronics.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Omg, Barb, et al. (2006) Cockroach Control Manual. University of Nebraska Extension.
  2. Pappas, Stephanie (2018) Here’s Why Cockroaches Can Survive Just About Anything
  3. Hadley, Debbie (2019) 10 Fascinating Facts About Cockroaches. ThoughtCo. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/fascinating-facts-about-cockroaches–1968524

Maybe it’s the tropical air that makes the Cuban cockroach so different from other roaches, because different these roaches definitely are –

They take to the trees the way other roaches take to the sewers, have a different kind of diet, and reproduce in a different way. Most people don’t consider them house pests, and some people even keep them as terrarium pets.

Let’s learn all about these rule-breaking roaches and the many ways they’re unique.

Identifying the Cuban Cockroach

When we set out to identify a cockroach, we usually begin with color, which for cockroaches is typically some shade of brown, tan, reddish-brown or black. But Cuban cockroaches (the adults anyway) are remarkably different – a very leaf-like pale green.

Also called the “green banana cockroach” or the “green cockroach,” the Cuban roach, Panchlora nivea is fairly small (1/2 to 1 inch long) with long, transparent wings. It also has a softer body than most of its other cockroach cousins, making it a popular “feeder” insect for snake and reptile enthusiasts.

Where Do Cuban Roaches Live?

Cuban cockroach range as shown on a United States map
Range of the Cuban cockroach in the United States (in orange).

If you’ve been keeping track of other cockroach species, you know that their names often don’t represent where they’re from. American cockroaches aren’t native to the Americas and German cockroaches aren’t native to Germany.

Cuban cockroaches buck this trend, too—they’re native to Cuba. Today, they live on several Caribbean islands and along the United States Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas.

Cuban cockroaches are an outdoor species and prefer the great outdoors to any kind of building; they’re rarely found indoors. Their strong wings let them fly into trees to feed on fruit—hence the name “banana roach.” They also live in shrubs, plants, trees, gardens, piles of leaves, firewood, mulch and similar locations.

Cuban roaches also sometimes get into greenhouses, where they thrive in the near-tropical conditions and feed on the growing plants.

Life Cycle of Cuban Roaches

Cuban cockroach identification: adult and nymph beside penny for scale

Cuban cockroach nymphs don’t look at all like the adults. They’re actually similar in color to other cockroach species. They’re dark brown or black, wingless and tiny.

Most cockroaches produce egg cases that they carry for a time and then hide just before they’re ready to hatch. Again, the Cuban cockroach does it differently.

A female Cuban roach carries its eggs while they develop inside its abdomen. When the eggs hatch in about 48 days, the baby roaches emerge as nymphs. One female Cuban roach can produce up to 60 nymphs at a time.

The nymphs remain dark brown for about 100 days as they mature. They hide by burrowing until they develop their wings and take on the green color of the adults.

Cuban Cockroach Behavior and Diet

Cuban roaches are some of the strongest fliers of any cockroach species. They buzz around banana trees, flying into the tall branches to get to the fruit. Their wings mean they can easily access roofs too, but there’s little risk that they’ll try to come inside.

In some outdoor areas, Cuban cockroach populations can become dense. This puts shrubs, trees, and greenhouse plants at risk of being eaten and damaged. These roaches have few natural predators and their ability to fly lets them easily escape from danger.

Cuban roaches are mostly active at night, just when every homeowner is turning on their lights. And they are strongly attracted to lights, so they’ll fly toward anything shining nearby. That includes outdoor lights, headlights, TV screens and more.

You can make your lights less attractive to cockroaches and other bugs by switching to yellow bulbs. These bulbs reduce the blue light that’s most visible to insects. They won’t completely eliminate bugs, though. You’ll also want to make sure all of your window screens are intact so roaches can’t fly inside at night.

What Do Cuban Cockroaches Eat?

There’s a reason the Cuban green cockroach infests banana trees: they love eating sugary fruits and the sweet sap from tree leaves.

Of course, they’re still cockroaches and their diet is one area where they’re just like other species. They feed on all kinds of decaying material, from dead trees and leaves to food scraps, mulch, and garbage. They also readily feed on bananas.

If you compost, you’ll have to be especially careful. Compost is like a dinner buffet for pests, Cuban cockroaches included. To keep roaches away, you should bury your compost pile or use a covered bin.

Are Cuban Cockroaches Dangerous Pests?

Cuban cockroaches don’t bite, sting or typically come anywhere near people. However, they do occasionally fly into homes and onto patios when attracted by bright lights. Since they don’t survive well or reproduce indoors (unless they’re inside a greenhouse), they aren’t considered serious pests for homeowners.

Most people still don’t want them hanging around, interrupting outdoor activities or potentially damaging garden plants. You can discourage them from living near your home by moving leaf piles, firewood and garbage away from your house and garage.

You can also reduce moisture in mulch harborages by spreading it thinly, and making sure the area around your home has effective drainage.

If you’re seriously annoyed by lots of Cuban cockroaches flying around the shrubbery, trees and plants outside of your house, a pest management service can try to reduce their numbers by treating plants. However, unless they’re damaging plants, this probably isn’t necessary, since they’re generally not a major pest.

Cuban Cockroaches as Pets

Some people keep Cuban cockroaches as pets. Since they don’t bite or sting humans, they’re common pets in terrariums. They need tropical conditions to survive, so terrarium owners should keep the temperature warm and the humidity relatively high. And since the green roach can fly, a completely covered enclosure is a necessity.


Cuban roaches are really interesting insects. They stand out among other species of cockroach for their green color, the way they carry their eggs until they’ve hatched, and their skill as fliers. Even better, you can enjoy learning about these fascinating creatures without worrying too much about them infesting your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Cuban cockroaches attracted to lights?

Yes, Cuban cockroaches are strongly attracted to lights. They’ll flutter around lamp posts, go after car headlights and even land on TV screens.

They might even fly into your pool if the light is on. Inside or outside, lights attract these flying cockroaches from nearby trees and fields. Blue light is the most visible wavelength to insects, while yellow lights are more difficult for roaches to see.

Do Cuban cockroaches damage shrubs, trees and plants?

Cuban cockroaches are very fond of banana trees. If enough roaches are present, they can damage the tree by feeding on its fruit and leaves. Sometimes, Cuban roaches also infest greenhouses.

They love the tropical conditions inside and feed on the vast amount of plant material that’s available. In a greenhouse, Cuban roaches can multiply quickly and cause damage to young and delicate plants.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Green Banana Cockroach / Cuban Cockroack. Texas Invasive Species Institute. Retrieved from http://www.tsusinvasives.org/home/database/panchlora-nivea

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It’s a common question, one that’s both horrifying and well – sort of bravely optimistic:

“I saw one cockroach. Should I be worried?”

So should you? Should you be worried? Honestly, you probably should be.

But if there really is a problem, you’ll know how to handle it. Because by the end of this short 5 minute read, you’ll know exactly what to do if you see a cockroach.

Need Product Recommendations?

A handful of easy-to-use products can solve most cockroach problems.

Ready? Let’s go.

Is It Possible to Have Just One Cockroach?

Illustration of one German cockroach in closeup on a kitchen floor

Seriously, is it possible to have just one cockroach in a home or apartment? Sure.

It could be a loner of some sort, or the last of its colony, or even a cockroach scout. It could even be a hapless, relatively harmless wood roach that got carried in along with the firewood – a bug that never wanted to be in your home in the first place.

But without proof, those would be some pretty risky assumptions. Cockroaches are nocturnal so you don’t see them when they’re most active, they rarely live alone, several species will actively try to infest your home – and there are consequences for making a wrong or overly-slow decision.

Having found one cockroach in your house or apartment, how do you know if it’s the only one or an actual cockroach problem? By putting on your detective gear and inspecting the scene for clues – particularly for where they hide, and the evidence they leave behind.

Discovering if There are More

Illustration depicting many cockroaches on a black wall, with a front-facing cockroach in the foreground

Hiding is one of the things that cockroaches do quite well. There are lots of things that want to kill or eat them, and they know they’re safer if predators (like you) never even know that they’re around.

So to begin to understand what you’re dealing with, you need to find those potential hiding places, and you need to look for signs. Do you have to turn your house upside down to find them? No. You only need to know what to look for and where to start your search.

Finding Their Hiding Spots

Illustration of a nest of hiding cockroaches

So, where do roaches hide?

It’s probably no surprise that cockroaches prefer dark, out-of-reach places. After all, they’re more afraid of you than you are of them! But most home-infesting roaches typically live pretty close to food and water sources, and you’ll want to hunt these down.

Poke around the back of kitchen cabinets and underneath refrigerators. Look in trash cans and behind pet food bowls. Look underneath sinks in the kitchen and bathroom and carry a flashlight to the basement where roaches might be hiding around leaking pipes.

As you explore, don’t underestimate their ability to hide in tiny, out-of-sight places. German cockroaches and other small species can squeeze through tiny holes and live anywhere from sink drains to gaps beneath the floor.

Recognizing the Signs

Cockroach poop from small species such as the German roach and the Brown-Banded cockroach

Sometimes, you have more than intuition to go on in your search for creepy crawlies–sometimes, you have evidence.

Roach Droppings

One roach infestation indicator is feces. Roaches leave tiny droppings in the areas they frequent. That’s gross—and it’s one of the reasons they’re dangerous. Cockroach droppings look like tiny black specks.

If enough roaches are present, their droppings can look like crushed pepper or scattered coffee grounds. The amount of feces you find is a good indicator of the size of the roach infestation.

Cockroach Body Parts

Roaches leave body parts of every kind behind. As young or baby roaches grow, they slough off their old, outgrown exoskeletons. You may find these entirely intact, or in bits and pieces after other cockroaches have fed on them.

Cockroaches also simply die of course, and other roaches readily eat their bodies, leaving body parts, bits of wings, and antennae in areas in your home.

Cockroach Eggs

A rarer piece of evidence is an egg case. Cockroach egg cases are typically about 1/4 inch long or smaller and brown or reddish-brown. Cockroaches take special care when hiding them, so you’re unlikely to find them without some serious sleuthing.

Adult female roaches hide egg cases in cracks, crevices and, sometimes, inside cardboard boxes. Some species such as the brown banded cockroach also stick them to walls, and if it’s a brown banded roach you’re dealing with, you’ll want to look on the tops of picture frames, and in areas closer to the ceiling.

It’s also possible that you’ll start to smell cockroaches in your home. As the roach problem grows, you might notice a sharp, oily odor. If you start to sense this kind of musty smell, don’t ignore it. It’s a good signal that they’re nearby and also a warning that there are probably more than one.

By following these clues, you can start to narrow down their potential hiding places and begin to assess the actual level of the problem.

Next Steps: Getting Rid of Them

You won’t have to actually find more roaches to know if something needs to be done. Finding signs of their presence will be enough.

If you’ve found those, the next step is to begin a thorough pest management plan. You’ll use a combination of baits, liquid pesticides and preventative measures to eliminate roaches and keep them out.

Insecticides and Other Chemical Cockroach Killers

Comprehensive cockroach control involves more than scrambling for the bug-killer spray any time you happen to spot one. You’re savvier than that.

You’ll use strategy, perseverance and the knowledge you now have about cockroaches’ habits and habitats to target them efficiently.

Cockroach control products come in several forms:

  1. Traps
  2. Baits
  3. Insecticidal Dusts
  4. Residual sprays
  5. Non-Residual Sprays
  6. Perimeter treatments

A few roaches probably doesn’t warrant a full-on chemical assault. That’s a lot of work for a problem that’s potentially very small.

Instead, consider starting with roach traps. A few strategically placed traps can help you diagnose the size of the problem and find its epicenter.

Cockroach baits contain insecticides that kill roaches after they’ve gone back to their hiding place and, ideally, spread the poison to other roaches. In combination with a residual spray, which can kill on contact, baits can effectively reduce a cockroach population without requiring too much work on your part.

If you’re worried you’re facing a cockroach infestation on the larger end of the scale, it’s probably a better idea to call a professional pest control service than to take on the problem yourself. A professional can treat your whole home with a perimeter spray and better target cockroach habitats indoors and outdoors.

Suggested Products

To Find Cockroach Hiding Spots and Kill Them Fast When You Have Just a Few

Recommended for all cockroaches

Exterminator’s Choice Sticky Glue Traps

Used to measure and monitor a cockroach infestation and provide some supplemental control.

BASF PT P.I. Contact Insecticide

P.I. is a pyrethrin-based spray insecticide that kills roaches fast. Best when used as a supplement to other treatments, it’s not inexpensive, but far more effective than off-the-shelf sprays.

To Kill Cockroaches Inside Your Home When You Have a Serious Problem

Recommended for German cockroaches and Brown banded cockroaches, as well as American cockroaches (Palmetto bugs, Water bugs, Tree roaches, Sewer roaches), and Oriental cockroaches when they enter in large numbers.

Rockwell Labs CimeXa Dust Insecticide

CimeXa is an effective indoor crack and crevice treatment. For best results, use alongside Advion Gel Bait and Gentrol IGR.

HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Powder Duster

Insecticidal dusts like CimeXa work best when applied with a duster tool. This inexpensive diatomaceous earth duster works fine with CimeXa, Delta Dust, and other recommended dusts.

Syngenta Advion Cockroach Gel Bait

Advion first poisons the roaches that eat it, then others in a secondary kill. For the most effective indoor treatment, combine with CimeXa insecticidal dust and Gentrol IGR.

Gentrol Point Source IGR

Gentrol is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that interferes with roach reproduction. It’s most effective used alongside Advion Gel Bait and CimeXa insecticidal dust.

To Kill Cockroaches Outdoors Before They Have a Chance to Get Inside

Recommended for American cockroaches (Palmetto bugs, Water bugs, Tree roaches, Sewer roaches), Oriental cockroaches, and Smokybrown cockroaches.

Bayer Polyzone Suspend Insecticide

When used on exterior foundations, entries, and walls, Suspend insecticidal liquid stops outdoor roaches before they get in. It requires a separate sprayer (see below), and works best alongside a granular outdoor bait like Intice and an outdoor crack and crevice treatment like Delta Dust.

Chapin 1 Gallon Multi-Purpose Sprayer

Liquid pesticides require a separate sprayer. This inexpensive pump sprayer works fine for smaller jobs.

InTice Perimeter Insect Control Bait Granules

InTice is a granular bait that kills roaches outdoors and in spaces like your garage or attic. Used alongside a spray treatment like Bayer Suspend and a crack and crevice treatment like Delta Dust, it can protect the entire perimeter of your home.

Delta Dust Insecticide Dust

Waterproof and long-lasting, Delta Dust is a crack and crevice treatment effective in high-moisture areas such as attics, exterior walls, and plumbing lines. Delta Dust is regulated and unavailable in some areas.

Natural Cockroach Control

There are a few natural ways to kill cockroaches, too.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe for people and pets (though you should take care not to breathe it) but lethal to cockroaches. Sprinkling this around areas you suspect they’re hiding is a good way to eliminate some of them.

You can also mix boric acid and sugar to make a mixture that’s a natural bait and insecticide.

Preventative Measures: How to Keep Roaches Out

You might be asking yourself, why did that cockroach you saw have to pick your house? In all likelihood, it’s nothing you did. The cockroach only came in for its basic survival needs: food, water and shelter. Finding a cockroach in your house doesn’t necessarily mean your home is dirty.

That said, it won’t hurt to be a little more deliberate in your cleaning routine after you’ve found a roach. Eliminating food sources is an effective way to keep them away. You can also make a few external changes—such as clearing piles of sticks and leaves and organizing boxes in the garage—to keep cockroaches outside.

Oh, and always keep windows covered with screens if you like to leave them open, especially at night. Many flying cockroaches are attracted to lights and they’ll fly straight through an open window to get to your living room lights.

These simple preventative measures can make a big difference in your cockroach control efforts.


You saw one cockroach; should you be worried?

It’s important to pay attention to the evidence and do a careful inspection before you start fearing the worst.

Try to find their hiding place, be strategic with baits or natural pesticides and up your cleaning game until you’re confident the roaches aren’t interested in coming back.

By using the information in this article, you can win back your peace of mind and protect your house from future cockroach break-ins.

Explore the site for more information about cockroaches, facts about the most common species and answers to your questions about how to get rid of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

I found a dead cockroach in my house. What does that mean?

Finding a dead roach means the same thing as finding a living one: it’s time to inspect for evidence of more cockroaches and, if there are more, determine the extent of the problem. Then, you’ll know if you should set baits and spray pesticides or call a professional pest control service.

Can one cockroach cause an infestation?

In a word, yes. Some cockroach females don’t actually need a mate to reproduce. On top of that, it’s unlikely that the lone cockroach you’ve seen is the only one in your home. Cockroaches are excellent at hiding and the one you’ve seen may be a sign that there are others nearby.

I found one cockroach in my apartment. Is that different from finding a cockroach in a house?

Whether an apartment or a house, the steps for identifying a cockroach problem and treating it if necessary is the same. Since you may not have access to all the areas roaches may be hiding, you’ll want to have your landlord take the proper steps.


  1. Wizzie Brown, Michael Merchant, and Kerry Siders, Cockroach Biology and Management. Retrieved from https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu/library/insects-of-homes-schools-businesses/cockroach-biology-and-management/

Want to hear the joke about the flying cockroach? Probably not. Because if you’ve ever come face-to-face with one, as in literally face-to-face – you know the utter horror that a flying roach can bring.

Let’s look at the kinds of flying roaches, and then afterward – show you how to get rid of them for good.

A Simple 5-Step Guide For Getting Rid of Roaches

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Cockroaches That Fly and Cockroaches That Don’t

Some cockroaches fly. Others don’t. The first step toward solving your cockroach problem, is identifying the ones you have.

Cockroaches That Fly

American Roaches

American cockroach illustration with label: Flies only awkwardly and for short distances.
American cockroaches fly, but do so awkwardly – and only for short distances.

The American cockroach is the largest flying cockroach you’ll encounter in the United States. They prefer to live outside, but when they enter homes, they can cause big problems. They’re awkward flyers, but even so, an American cockroach flying around your kitchen can easily reach counter tops and upper cabinets.

American roaches love warm, dark places with access to water. Indoors, common hiding places include attics, cabinets and drains. Controlling them starts with identifying their entry points and targeting these hotspots with baits and pesticides.

Wood Roaches

Wood cockroach illustration with label: "Only males fly. Attracted to light."
Only wood roach males fly. They’re often attracted to nighttime light sources.

By the name, you can guess that flying wood roaches are usually found outdoors. They live in and around wooded areas, often inhabiting tree trunks, woodpiles, and decaying organic matter.

The males glide from trees or shrubs into nearby homes. They’re especially active at night during breeding season, and are attracted by nighttime lights. Preventing them begins outside by removing firewood and leaf litter from the area around your house.

Smoky Brown Roaches

Smoky brown cockroach illustration with label: "Flies at night toward lights."
Like wood roaches, smoky brown cockroaches are drawn to lights.

Smoky brown cockroaches are only slightly smaller than American roaches. They’re dark reddish-brown in color with long antennae and long wings.

This flying roach hangs out in gardens, woodpiles, and other humid environments, occasionally coming inside when temperatures cool down. You might accidentally bring them in with firewood from outside, or in boxes that were stored in the garage. Then, it’s important to control them quickly before they can reproduce and spread.

Australian Roaches

Auatralian cockroach illustration with label: "Excellent flying ability."
Australian cockroaches are prodigious flyers.

The Australian cockroach is a big flying cockroach that looks quite similar to the American cockroach, but carries characteristic yellow markings around its head and wings. Australian cockroaches are decent fliers and often live in tree hollows and other damp places.

If flying Australian cockroaches take hold in a home or business, they’ll hide near sources of water, such as leaking pipes or faucets.

Asian Roaches

Asian cockroach illustration with label: "Strong fliers.Will  fly through open doors."
Asian cockroaches fly well and are known for flying through open windows and doors.

The Asian cockroach is a tiny flying roach that lives primarily along the U.S. Gulf Coast, hiding and laying egg capsules in mulch, grass and other shady areas.

Light brown in color and about the size of German roaches (in fact, they’re nearly identical-looking), they’re strong flyers and are attracted to artificial light. If the lights are on and a window is open, they’ll fly straight inside to find it.

Cuban Roaches

Cuban flying cockroaches feeding
Cuban roaches are excellent, agile flyers. Image via Wikimedia

Cuban cockroaches are excellent, agile, and frequent flyers. They’re about an inch long and often inhabit elevated locations. They like hanging out in trees and shrubs and being attracted to light, occasionally glide into homes through open windows.

If you live in an area where these green flying roaches are prevalent, it’s important to cover all open windows with screens, and keep your gutters clear of anything they’d want to eat.

German Cockroaches

German cockroach illustration with label: "Possess long wings but rarely fly."
German cockroaches are capable of flying, but don’t often do.

German cockroaches are one of the world’s most common indoor pests. If you’ve ever seen a cockroach anywhere, chances are it was one of these.

Do German cockroaches fly? Yes, they have the ability to fly, and that only makes them more of a risk to homeowners. Beyond climbing into buildings through holes and crevices in walls, they can also fly in through windows.

However– a German roach can barely fly; they’re quick on their feet and will usually crawl to where they need to go.

Cockroaches That Don’t Fly (But That You Might Also Have)

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroach illustration with label: "Short, under- developed wings."
Oriental cockroaches have wings that are underdeveloped and incapable of flight.

Oriental roaches are medium-sized bugs with glossy, dark bodies. They’re slower than other species and don’t crawl up steep surfaces very well. Although they do have wings, the wings are non-functional, rendering the insects flightless.

This means they’re primarily ground pests that look for ground-level ways into buildings. If your home has a few tiny holes in its exterior walls, these roaches have an easy way in.

Baby Roaches

Baby cockroach illustration with label: "Wingless, and unable to fly."
Baby cockroaches are unable to fly.

Do baby cockroaches fly? No. If you think you’ve seen a baby flying cockroach, it had to be something else. Baby roaches don’t have fully-developed wings until adulthood, and don’t fly (if they come from a flying species) until then.

How to Keep Flying Roaches Away

To keep flying cockroaches away, you’ll have to add a few steps to your normal cockroach prevention plan.

Air-Level Prevention

You’ll want to begin by installing screens on all the windows you tend to leave open. If windows and doors already have screens, great! Just make sure they’re intact, with no tears or holes that a persistent cockroach could climb through.

American roaches, Asian roaches and Cuban roaches (in some areas) are the most likely to fly in through open doors and windows. Other flying species are more likely to come in on foot.

Ground-Level Prevention

Keeping flying cockroaches away means protecting your home at ground-level, too. Outdoors, use caulking to seal gaps around pipes and wires that enter your home. Inside, seal all cracks and crevices, too.

Many flying cockroach species like to live outdoors in wet mulch or piles of leaves or wood. You should keep the area around your house clear of leaves, twigs and other materials. These kinds of debris give roaches perfect places to hide. You can also spread mulch more thinly so it doesn’t retain moisture and invite cockroaches to live in it.

Regularly cleaning floors, counter tops and dishes is vital to keeping cockroaches under control. Flying roaches eat much more than just crumbs (think paper, glue, garbage, pet food, and other insects) but reducing their access to easy food sources will make them think twice about staying.

How to Get Rid of Flying Roaches

If you’ve seen a cockroach flying in your house, it’s important to act quickly. While some species are greater threats than others, all pose health risks by contaminating food and spreading bacteria.

Though flying insect sprays containing pyrethroids (a common ingredient in household pesticides) are effective for killing roaches as you find them, they don’t solve cockroach infestations. For that, you need to target them at the source.

Taking Action

Start by identifying their hiding places in your home (see “Where do roaches hide?“), paying special attention to signs like cockroach droppings, discarded skin or shells, egg cases, and an acrid cockroach smell.

Begin with areas that are dark, warm and humid, such as your cabinets, crawl space, attic and bathroom. Kitchen appliances offer perfect habitats–they produce heat and any roaches hiding beneath them are well protected. Plus, they’re usually right next to easy food sources.

You might not be able to pinpoint every area, but once you’ve identified the most likely ones, you can start taking action.

  • Distributing cockroach baits in these areas will kill any cockroaches that come out to feed.
  • A treatment such as boric acid can be effective against cockroaches and other insects. Spray it carefully along walls or in cracks and crevices where you suspect the roaches are hiding.

Remember to carefully read all warnings when using pesticides as well as baits, and keep them far away from children and pets.

How to Get Rid of Flying Cockroaches Naturally

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is an excellent natural pest control product. It’s safe for people and pets but deadly for flying cockroaches. Sprinkling it in areas where these pests hide is an easy and effective way to get rid of roaches.

Sugar mixed with baking soda is another natural cockroach control solution that you can make with ingredients you probably already have. Baking soda is toxic to flying cockroaches when eaten. Applying a little of this homemade pesticide near the roaches’ hiding places both attracts and kills them.

When using any type of bait or homemade solution, you’ll have to replace it from time to time as the roaches eat it. If it’s working, the flying cockroach population will gradually decrease and your baits and sprays will last longer.


Flying roaches add another dimension to the threat of a pest infestation. Although most live outdoors, they won’t hesitate entering buildings when temperatures change or food becomes scarce. Indoors, cockroaches can trigger allergies and spread bacteria that cause food poisoning and other illnesses, so they’re best kept out and as far away as possible.

If you think you have a serious flying cockroach infestation, you should call a professional pest control service to inspect your home and create a comprehensive plan for elimination. Professionals can treat the inside and outside of your home with pesticides that kill cockroaches and prevent them from coming back.

With these tips and, if needed, the help of a professional, you can get rid of flying cockroaches in your house and keep them out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all cockroaches with wings fly?

No, not every cockroach with wings is capable of flight. Some female cockroaches have wings that aren’t developed enough for flying. Cockroach nymphs also don’t fly, even if their wings have begun to develop.

Why do cockroaches fly?

Cockroaches fly to escape from danger and to reach food and water. Some roaches will fly into gutters where leaves and twigs provide food and trap water.

Others fly toward lights, attracted by lamps and TV screens in homes.
Many flying cockroaches will take to the air when faced with danger. That danger could be you spotting it in your kitchen or a hungry predator hunting it out in the wild.

There are flying roaches in my house. How do they get in?

Flying roaches can fly through windows and onto roofs, giving them more opportunities to find their way inside. Some roaches can squeeze through gaps between roof shingles, then make their way into the attic–which is often a perfect cockroach habitat.

Since some roaches fly toward lights, it’s especially important to keep windows closed at night to avoid attracting flying roaches inside.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Disclaimer: This page is strictly for informational use. When using insecticides, keep in mind—the label is the law. Insecticides should be applied correctly and safely when needed, and according to the laws of your state or country.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Green Banana Cockroach/Cuban Cockroach. Texas State University System. Retrieved from http://www.tsusinvasives.org/home/database/panchlora-nivea
  2. Guthrie, Brinke (2016) 10 Ways To Keep Cockroaches Out Of Your Home. Simplemost. Retrieved from https://www.simplemost.com/ways-naturally-give-cockroaches-boot/
  3. What is a pyrethroid insecticide? (2018) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Retrieved from https://citybugs.tamu.edu/factsheets/ipm/ent-6003/
  4. Diatomaceous Earth General Fact Sheet. National Pesticide Information Center http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html

Cockroaches are expert scavengers, admirable survivors and annoying pests. They crawl all over your counters and dirty dishes. They lay eggs in tiny crevices and contaminate food.

What’s worse than a cockroach crawling around your home? A cockroach flying around your home. So, do they? Do cockroaches fly?

A Simple 5-Step Guide For Getting Rid of Roaches

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Can Cockroaches Fly? Do They All Fly?

Yes, cockroaches can fly. That answer makes a lot of people unhappy. You’re already worried about them crawling around your floor, and now you have to worry about them flying, too?

The good news- sort of, is that not all cockroaches are capable of flying. Those that are capable of flight, have wings that are long enough and developed enough to sustain flight.

Roaches like the Oriental cockroach for example, do have wings, but they’re too short and stubby to be of very much use. (for more, also see “Cockroach with Wings? It’s Probably One of These“).

A cockroach’s ability to fly is also determined by its life stage, and sometimes gender. Immature cockroaches for example, can’t fly because they’re wingless. And females of certain species can’t fly – even though they have wings – because their highly effective legs do enough.

Why Do They Fly?

Illustration of three roaches on rooftop: Two in the gutter, and one cockroach flying away.

Flying isn’t really the preferred method of transportation for most cockroaches (and no, not because they’re afraid of heights). It has more to do with the design of their bodies.

While they can be very, very fast runners – moving as fast as 50 body lengths per second on the straightaway (the equivalent for creatures our size of more than 100 miles per hour) – flying isn’t easy for them, and they’re awkward in the air.

So why do roaches fly at all? There are a few reasons.


Often roaches fly to escape a threat. Though much has been written about cockroach’s supposed invincibility, they have plenty of natural predators and creatures like you or your pets that would want to do them harm.


Some cockroach males become active flyers during breeding season, when they travel short and long distances in search of a mate. They become especially attracted to light during this time, and are known for their summer nighttime assaults against well-lit rural window screens.

Food and Shelter

Cockroaches also fly in search of food and shelter, which might include your home. Roaches living in a hollow tree for instance, might climb up its branches looking for food. Then take a short flight to the roof of your house to infest the decaying leaves in your gutter.

What Kinds of Cockroaches Can Fly?

Illustration of 8 types of flying cockroaches

There are several types of flying cockroaches, including these most likely pests:

  1. American cockroaches
  2. German cockroaches
  3. Pennsylvania woods cockroaches
  4. Brown banded cockroaches
  5. Smoky brown cockroaches
  6. Australian cockroaches
  7. Asian cockroaches
  8. Cuban cockroaches

These flyers live in a variety of environments and climates, though most prefer to live outdoors. They’re light brown, dark brown, reddish-brown, or golden in color, while the Cuban cockroach is a bright leaf-green.

The size of a cockroach doesn’t affect its flying ability. Both small and large cockroaches fly, and range in size from the huge, awkwardly flying American cockroach (up to 2 inches in length or more), to the tiny, occasionally flying German cockroach (which is smaller end-to-end than the face of a penny).

Where Do They Come From?

Flying cockroaches come from a variety of places, many of them the same as their non-flying relatives. They’ll enter a home in any way they can, from finding holes in exterior walls to following drainpipes into bathrooms and kitchens.

But flying cockroaches have a few more options available to them. They can come from trees, flying onto branches and then onto rooftops. Once on the roof, they can squeeze between shingles or through the gaps in an attic fan.

They can also come in through open windows and doors. They might be following the light of a lamp or a TV screen. If your window screens have tears in them, a cockroach might be able to climb through it.

Are They Dangerous?

Flying Cockroaches can be harmful because they often carry bacteria from waste and decaying material into homes and businesses. This is true of all cockroaches, flying or not. They feed on garbage and dead organic matter, making them a risk to your health if they start invading your home.

Many people think they’re being attacked when roaches fly towards them. But cockroaches don’t feed on our blood like other flying pests. They either fly toward you accidentally, or head in the wrong direction in their hurry to avoid getting squashed.

That said, there are certain circumstances that may draw them toward you…

The light you’re sitting under may attract them to you. And the light reflecting off your forehead or face can do it, too. Can cockroaches fly right at your face when that happens? You bet they can. You become irresistible!

What Areas of the Country Have Them?

Cockroaches live all over the world and flying ones aren’t picky.

From trees, mulch and sewers to alleyways and kitchen cabinets, flying cockroaches follow food sources anywhere necessary. They’ll fly around cities, farms, buildings and even into trees. Here are some of the areas across the United States that have them:


The infamous Florida palmetto bug (a.k.a. the American cockroach) is a type of flying cockroach that’s incredibly widespread in the state. It’s also one of the largest cockroaches around. A male palmetto bug’s folded wings are long enough to extend past the bottom of its abdomen. Female palmetto bugs also have wings, but they’re shorter.

Palmetto bugs mostly live outdoors and can fly short distances. They use their wings to glide from a tree onto your patio or porch. If your windows are open, they’ll just as easily swoop into your house.


Texas’s famous “tree roach” is yet another name for the American cockroach and you’ll find quite a few of them flying in and around Houston.

Cuban cockroaches are also fairly common flying roaches in Texas. These green bugs are usually outdoor insects. Unlike many other cockroaches, they’re excellent fliers and commonly live in trees. They’re also strongly attracted to lights, which can lead them to fly into homes and businesses through open doors and windows.

Asian cockroaches are also present in Texas. These twins of the German cockroach are relatively strong fliers, too. They’ve been seen flying up to forty yards at a time.

New York City

New York City is a well-known American cockroach hot spot. There’s enough garbage on the ground and in alleyways that they don’t usually have to fly in search of food, but in hot, humid summers such as the one in 2016 (when city scientists found them flying around in large groups), they become more restless and active.


Some of the most common cockroaches in Georgia are American, smokybrown, Asian and German cockroaches. You’ll notice that all four species of cockroaches are flying roaches! Being a southern state, Georgia has its fair share of giant flying cockroaches as well as some of the smaller species. A few of these roaches will be attracted to lights and could fly into open apartment windows or onto roofs to feed.


The most common cockroach found indoors in California is the German roach. These cockroaches rarely use their wings to fly, preferring to crawl around homes in search of food. The American cockroach also infests California. Warm temperatures in some parts of the state let them thrive outdoors, flying around and feeding on whatever they can find.


Yes, there are flying cockroaches in Hawaii. German roaches, American roaches and over a dozen other species are present on the island, invading homes, gardens and all of the usual places. Like their counterparts on the Gulf Coast, flying roaches there can be found outdoors and indoors. They’ll fly into and out of trees, through windows and straight past your head.

Las Vegas

Like all urban areas in the U.S., Las Vegas is home to a number of flying roaches, with German and American species the most common. Since both of these cockroaches can fly, it’s important to keep windows and doors closed or covered by screens at all times.


At least 25 cockroach species call Alabama home. These include many of the flying species listed above. Alabama faces the same cockroach problems as other southern states: not only do they crawl in through drains and holes but they also fly in through windows and find entry points in roofs.

North Carolina

There are a few flying species in North Carolina, including wood cockroaches and American cockroaches. Wood cockroaches aren’t very capable fliers; they can do it but only for short distances at a time. They’re much more of a risk to homeowners on the ground. These roaches live in forests and among shrubs but they’ll come inside when food is hard to find outdoors.


Where there are large urban areas, cockroaches often follow. That means Chicago residents are no strangers to cockroaches of both the crawling and flying kind. The ones in Illinois include American, brown banded and wood cockroaches. Whether you live in the city or somewhere more rural, you’ll have to protect your home against flying cockroaches making themselves comfortable inside or around it.


Do roaches fly?

Yes, and they can be dangerous to your home and family. They carry bacteria from all kinds of disgusting places and spread it on everything they touch, contaminating food and potentially triggering allergies. Flying ones pose an additional risk because they can easily fly through open windows and doors and find gaps between shingles that could let them into your attic.

If you’ve seen flying roaches in your space, it’s time to take steps to get rid of them. Learn how to prevent and get rid of flying roaches for good in the next pest control article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do cockroaches fly towards you?

Although many winged cockroaches can fly, only a few fly well. Sometimes when they’re threatened, they’ll fly to escape– either from a predator or from a human who wants to kill them.
If they take off and fly straight towards you, they’re usually just frightened and not in very good control of where they’re headed. On the other hand, a light above or behind you could be attractive to certain species, in which case yes – they may try to fly right at you.

What are bugs that look like roaches but fly?

You might be thinking of palmetto bugs, the large insects found all over Florida and the surrounding states. Palmetto bugs are actually cockroaches–they’re members of the American cockroach species. Palmetto bugs can fly for short distances. They often use their long wings to fly into trees searching for food.

How high can cockroaches fly?

Cockroaches’ ability to fly varies based on their size and wing strength. Some of the strongest flying cockroaches can fly for a little over 100 feet at a time. However, they can’t fly 100 feet vertically – most cockroaches only fly as high as an average treetop.

Can big roaches fly?

Yes, American cockroaches are some of the biggest roaches commonly found across the U.S. and can fly short distances at a time. Their bodies can grow to 2 inches in length but their wings extend beyond their abdomens, allowing them to fly.

Written by Andrew Martin, Reviewed by Helene Steenkamp, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Helene Steenkamp, PhD.

Science Editor

Helene is a Namibian born South African citizen with a great love for nature and its intricacies. She completed a PhD in molecular phylogenetics at the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2011, and has since worked as a postdoctoral researcher in this field at the University as well as the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa.

She has published several peer reviewed scientific articles with the use of genetic, taxonomic and phylogenetic tools, specializing in Entomology, taxonomy, zoonoses, epidemiology and bacterial & viral genetics.

These days, she is a stay-at-home-mother of two lovely boys, with whom she loves to explore nature from a different point of view. She also works as a freelance writer, editor and researcher for all things science.

You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Brunskill, Amber, et al (2011) Common Urban Pests: Identification, Prevention, and Control. PennState Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/common-urban-pests-identification-prevention-and-control
  2. Drees, Bastiaan M. (2010) Texas A&M: AgriLife Extension. Retrieved from https://landscapeipm.tamu.edu/what-is-ipm/ipm-concepts/pest-identification/good-bug-bad-bug/neither/cockroaches/
  3. HowStuffWorks: Animals. Retrieved from https://animals.howstuffworks.com/insects/flying-cockroaches-behavior-target-face.htm
  4. How to Recognize the Five Cockroaches Common in Georgia (2018) Retrieved from https://www.bredapest.com/news/how-to-recognize-the-five-cockroaches
  5. Sutherland, Andrew M., et al (2019) Cockroaches. UC Pest Notes: Cockroaches. Retrieved from http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7467.html
  6. Hawaiian Insects: Cockroaches. Instant Hawaii. Retrieved from http://www.instanthawaii.com/cgi-bin/hi?Animals.roach
  7. Holt, Courtney (2011) Insects of Alabama. Encyclopedia of Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-1809

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It’s midnight. You’ve gone to the bathroom and there, on the shower’s tile wall, you see it – a black spot, a bug… a cockroach. And not just any cockroach… a cockroach with wings.

What kind is it, what does it mean, and if there’s a problem, where do you need to begin?

Need Product Recommendations?

A handful of easy-to-use products can solve most cockroach problems.

Let’s look at what you’re dealing with, and what you need to do next, when you discover roaches with wings.

Do Cockroaches Have Wings?

There are plenty of winged pests. But do roaches have wings? Yes, many (but not all) cockroaches have them.

Those that do actually have 2 pairs of wings—a pair of leathery forewings, and a pair of membranous hindwings that the forewings cover and protect.

The roaches that don’t have wings either have little use for flying, or they’re young roaches (cockroach nymphs) that don’t develop wings until they mature.

Do All Cockroaches with Wings Fly?

extreme closeup illustration of a winged cockroach flying right at you.

It may be surprising to learn that not every roach with wings can fly.

In some species, wings are present, but they’re too small and stunted for flight. While in others, the wings may be long enough, but only the males have wings that actually function for flight.

Also, flying might not be the best word to describe what some winged roaches do. A few species are great fliers: they can fly a hundred feet or more at a time. Meanwhile, others simply jump and use their wings like an emergency ejector seat, propelling them away from danger but without much actual control.

Are Winged Cockroaches Dangerous?

All pest cockroaches post potential risks to humans, but not in the way you might think. They won’t bite or attack you. They do, however, pick up dangerous bacteria from all the unpleasant places they live and feed in, then spread that bacteria inside the homes and businesses they infest.

Winged cockroaches might be a bit scarier than wingless ones, but they’re not any more dangerous to humans. There’s a slightly higher risk that flying winged cockroaches will enter your home and cause havoc – because they can fly through open windows or doors. They can also fly from tree branches to your roof and find gaps between shingles or siding.

Ground roaches, on the other hand, are stuck looking for holes in the lower parts of exterior walls and climbing through the gaps where pipes or wiring enters your home.

Types of Cockroaches With Wings

There are 8 main species of pest cockroaches that have wings:

  1. American cockroaches
  2. Oriental cockroaches
  3. German cockroaches
  4. Brown banded cockroaches
  5. Wood cockroaches
  6. Smokybrown cockroaches
  7. Australian cockroaches
  8. Asian cockroaches
  9. Cuban cockroaches

The American Cockroach

The American roach (also known as a “water bug” or “palmetto bug”) is a large cockroach that can measure up to two inches in length. It has long, reddish-brown wings that cover most of its back. A male’s wings extend past the end of its abdomen while a female’s wings are a bit shorter in length.

These cockroaches fly around shrubs, lawns and garages looking for food. They’ll live pretty much anywhere and might start flying around your home if they find a way in.

The Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach is very dark brown in color and has wings that are shorter than its body. It’s a species that doesn’t climb very well and is one of the winged roaches that can’t fly.

While males’ wings grow to cover about 3/4 of their bodies, females’ wings are not fully developed. They’re membranous on the inside and thicker on the outside (though not quite as thick as a beetle’s wings).

The German Cockroach

What’s that small cockroach with wings that you found in your kitchen? It might be one of the most wanted culprits for home invasions in the United States –the German cockroach.

German cockroaches do have wings but they’re such fast runners that they rarely use their wings to fly. Whether they climbed into your house or flew in, these bugs can quickly become a serious pest problem.

The Brown Banded Cockroach

The brown banded cockroach is a small roach that infests indoor spaces, particularly up high. Both males and females have wings, but only the males can fly – which it does only for short distances.

The Wood Cockroach

The Wood cockroach has wings that are dark brown and about an inch long. The females have shorter wings that aren’t fully developed for flight. Males, on the other hand, can fly a few feet at a time.

They sometimes fly into buildings through open windows. Luckily, wood cockroaches are primarily outdoor pests that usually stay outside.

The Smokybrown Cockroach

The smoky brown cockroach has long, mahogany-colored wings. A smokybrown roach’s wings cover its whole back and extend past the tip of its abdomen. They can seem more transparent at the ends. And among this species, both males and females can fly!

The Australian Cockroach

The wings of the Australian cockroach have unique yellow coloring on them that sets these roaches apart from similar species. Along the edge of each wing is a pale streak that appears yellow. You’ll see that coloring around the head, too.

The Asian Cockroach

The wings of an Asian cockroach cover the entire bottom half of its body. Unlike most other species of cockroaches, the Asian roach’s abdomen is white beneath its light brown wings. Because of this, the wings can seem white around their edges

The Cuban Cockroach

Cuban cockroaches are unique on this list for two reasons: they’re skilled fliers and they’re strongly attracted to light. Oh, and they’re green! Cuban cockroaches have long wings that they use to fly into trees and toward lights. Both male and female Cuban cockroaches can fly very well.

Getting Rid of Flying Cockroaches

Cockroaches are dangerous pests because of their tendency to feed on garbage and animal waste, picking up bacteria and spreading it wherever they go. It’s important to protect your home from a cockroach infestation and take steps to eliminate them quickly if they’ve already gotten inside.

Suggested Products for a Winged Roach Problem

To Kill Them Quickly When You Have Just a Few

Recommended for all cockroaches

Exterminator’s Choice Sticky Glue Traps

Used to measure and monitor a cockroach infestation and provide some supplemental control.

BASF PT P.I. Contact Insecticide

P.I. is a pyrethrin-based spray insecticide that kills roaches fast. Best when used as a supplement to other treatments, it’s not inexpensive, but far more effective than off-the-shelf sprays.

To Kill Them Inside Your Home When You Have a Serious Problem

Recommended for German cockroaches and Brown banded cockroaches, as well as American cockroaches (Palmetto bugs, Water bugs, Tree roaches, Sewer roaches), and Oriental cockroaches when they enter in large numbers.

Rockwell Labs CimeXa Dust Insecticide

CimeXa is an effective indoor crack and crevice treatment. For best results, use alongside Advion Gel Bait and Gentrol IGR.

HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Powder Duster

Insecticidal dusts like CimeXa work best when applied with a duster tool. This inexpensive diatomaceous earth duster works fine with CimeXa, Delta Dust, and other recommended dusts.

Syngenta Advion Cockroach Gel Bait

Advion first poisons the roaches that eat it, then others in a secondary kill. For the most effective indoor treatment, combine with CimeXa insecticidal dust and Gentrol IGR.

Gentrol Point Source IGR

Gentrol is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that interferes with roach reproduction. It’s most effective used alongside Advion Gel Bait and CimeXa insecticidal dust.

To Kill Them Outdoors Before They Have a Chance to Come Inside

Recommended for American cockroaches (Palmetto bugs, Water bugs, Tree roaches, Sewer roaches), Oriental cockroaches, and Smokybrown cockroaches.

Bayer Polyzone Suspend Insecticide

When used on exterior foundations, entries, and walls, Suspend insecticidal liquid stops outdoor roaches before they get in. It requires a separate sprayer (see below), and works best alongside a granular outdoor bait like Intice and an outdoor crack and crevice treatment like Delta Dust.

Chapin 1 Gallon Multi-Purpose Sprayer

Liquid pesticides require a separate sprayer. This inexpensive pump sprayer works fine for smaller jobs.

InTice Perimeter Insect Control Bait Granules

InTice is a granular bait that kills roaches outdoors and in spaces like your garage or attic. Used alongside a spray treatment like Bayer Suspend and a crack and crevice treatment like Delta Dust, it can protect the entire perimeter of your home.

Delta Dust Insecticide Dust

Waterproof and long-lasting, Delta Dust is a crack and crevice treatment effective in high-moisture areas such as attics, exterior walls, and plumbing lines. Delta Dust is regulated and unavailable in some areas.


Preventing and getting rid of flying cockroaches is very similar to controlling cockroaches without wings. There are a few details to consider, though.

Flying roaches can glide in through windows and doors, so one important step in keeping them out is making sure all openings are covered with screens.

You should also keep an eye on trees and tall shrubs growing near your home. If the branches are close to your roof, it’s an easy jump for winged cockroaches onto the shingles. There, they’ll look for entry points into your attic and crawl spaces, and lay eggs among items in storage.


There are several species of cockroaches with wings that can cause problems for homeowners. Some of them fly, some of them merely use their wings to jump farther, but all of them are better kept out of your home.

If you’ve seen cockroaches with wings around your home, it’s time to begin a pest control plan. Learn all about how to get rid of flying cockroaches so you can keep your house pest-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do cockroach nymphs have wings?

In species of cockroaches that have wings, nymphs don’t grow wings until very late in their development. Most nymphs you see (if any–they’re very cautious when they’re young) won’t yet have wings. Only in the last two stages of growth do they start to grow wings.

How many wings do cockroaches have?

Species of cockroaches that fly have four wings. Other species don’t have any wings.

Do female cockroaches have wings?

Smokybrown cockroaches and Cuban cockroaches are two examples of species in which the female roaches can fly. In many other species, the wings of female cockroaches aren’t fully developed. They might have wings but they can’t use them to fly.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. McCanless, Kim (2014) Oriental cockroach. Featured Creatures. Retrieved from http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/roaches/oriental_cockroach.htm
  2. Sutherland, Andrew M, et al. (2019) Cockroaches. UC: Pest Notes. Retrieved from http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7467.html
  3. Larson, Jonathan. Wood Roach. Nebraska Extension: Community Environment. Retrieved from https://communityenvironment.unl.edu/wood-roach–0
  4. Brown, Wizzie, et al. (2012) Cockroach Biology and Management. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Retrieved from https://citybugs.tamu.edu/files/2016/07/E–359-Cockroach-biology-and-management–2012.pdf
  5. Cuban Cockroach (2019) InsectIdentification. Retrieved from https://www.insectidentification.org/insect-description.asp?identification=Cuban-Cockroach

If you grew up watching nature shows about Australia’s wildlife, you know it wins hands-down on the extremes. It makes sense, then, to expect the Australian cockroach to be bigger and scarier than most of its cousins around the world.

In fact though, it’s about the same size as the American cockroach and just as hesitant to interact with humans.

The Australian roach has a more colorful look than other cockroach species and tends to stay outdoors, but that doesn’t make it friendly. If you’ve seen these cockroaches hanging around your house or business, it could be only a matter of time before they venture in looking for food.

In this article, you’ll learn how to identify the Australian cockroach, what it eats, where it lives and how to keep it out of your home.

How to Identify an Australian Cockroach

Australian cockroach, adult and egg case compared to a penny
Relative size of the Australian cockroach and egg sac (compared to a penny)

Australian cockroaches are relatively large roaches, reaching between 1 and 1 1/2 inches in length. Their size and mostly brown color makes them easily mistaken for American cockroaches. But they’re easily distinguished from American roaches by distinctive yellow accents, particularly light yellowish stripes along the front edges of their wings.

If you wanted to distinguish a male from a female, you could also look to the roach’s backside, where in addition to a pair of appendages known as cerci (which both sexes have), the male has a pair of tiny appendages called styli that it uses during mating.

History and Distribution of Australian Cockroaches

Australian cockroach range, United States
Range of the Australian cockroach in the United States (in orange).

Like many other cockroach species, the origins of the Australian cockroach, Periplaneta australasiae, are not quite true to its name. It probably originated in Africa, then traveled to Australia and elsewhere on board ships transporting cargo across the world.

Now Australian cockroaches are worldwide pests, most common in the southern United States where temperatures are warmer year-round.

Habitat and Diet of Australian Cockroaches

The Australian cockroach is an outdoor species that lives in colonies. These creatures need warm temperatures to survive and often move indoors when temperatures become too cold. They usually inhabit locations with high humidity, such as tree bark and piles of wood or leaves.

Indoors, you’ll find Australian roaches in areas close to food and water: sinks, bathtubs, cabinets, drains and water pipes. Unfortunately, being so close to a food supply, your kitchen is a prime location to colonize. Apartment buildings, shopping centers, malls, and other large structures are also at risk of invasion by Australian cockroaches.

The Australian Cockroach Life Cycle

Illustration of an Australian cockroach and egg case
Illustration of a female Australian cockroach and egg cases

Australian cockroaches grow from egg to adult in about a year. The average lifespan of an adult cockroach is 4 to 6 months.

Females lay egg cases, which contain about 24 eggs each, in sheltered areas and in material such as moist wood. When it’s time for the eggs to hatch, the female will hide the tiny egg case out of reach. You probably won’t find cockroach eggs (or even nymphs) very often because the creatures are very careful at these stages.

Nymphs (baby cockroaches) molt several times as they grow, eventually developing their wings and before that, blotchy yellow spots along their backs. In 6 to 12 months, nymphs reach the adult stage and begin producing their own eggs. The adult lifespan of the Australian cockroach is 4-6 months.

Where Might I Find Australian Cockroaches on My Property?

Australian roaches do enter buildings. If you find evidence of indoor cockroach activity, it’ll probably be in the kitchen or bathroom. It’s tough to identify the species based only on droppings or a glance at a fleeing roach, though. Look closely for the yellow markings to identify an Australian roach.

Since it’s an outdoor species, you’re more likely to find them in your garden or in the trees and shrubs around your house. Their need for humid conditions leads them to other places, as well. You might find a colony living under your pool deck or hiding around your hot tub.

If you find a large roach in your bathtub, it might be an Australian cockroach that’s climbed up from the drain. That could be a sign that there are more traveling along your water pipes. A leaky sink pipe can attract roaches to humid conditions inside the cabinet below.

Are Australian Cockroaches Dangerous?

Maybe their yellow markings make them look a little less ugly than other cockroaches. But if they invade your home, don’t be fooled by what they’re wearing–they’re not friendly guests.

Though outdoor cockroaches are generally less of an immediate threat than more prevalent indoor species, they’re still problematic pests to deal with. They eat feces, garbage and other disgusting things. They also live in lots of unpleasant places and pick up bacteria from many sources.

Since they don’t wipe their feet, they’ll track that bacteria all over your kitchen counters, dirty dishes and leftover food. Any food they fed on or cooking surface they touched should be considered contaminated.

Australian cockroaches can potentially carry Salmonella and other pathogens. You definitely don’t want these pests taking a liking to your cooking and building a colony in your home. They can also damage plants when cool temperatures force them into a confined space like a greenhouse.

As if spreading bacteria weren’t bad enough, cockroaches produce allergens, too. Their molted skins and droppings can cause reactions in some people, especially those with asthma. Sneezing, skin irritation and trouble breathing are some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction caused by cockroaches.

How to Eliminate Australian Cockroaches Quickly

Getting rid of Australian cockroaches is difficult and might require professional help. But there are certain steps you can take:

The first step is to identify the source of the problem, beginning with where they’re hiding. You know to look in areas with plenty of humidity and easy access to food. You can use baits to attract and kill the roaches once you know where to put them.

You can also combat an infestation by sealing up the gaps where pipes enter your home and by closing any cracks or crevices in your kitchen or bathroom with caulking.

If you suspect there’s a large Australian cockroach infestation around your house or want to take no chances against these pests, call a professional pest control service. They’ll come up with plans of attack and defense that will help you control the problem and prevent it from returning.

Prevention tips

Speaking of defense, preventing Australian cockroaches from invading your house or business means taking an honest look at your habits and acknowledging that you might have some weaknesses: we’ve all left food out overnight or occasionally put off vacuuming for longer than we’d like.

Cleaning is one of the best ways to control Australian cockroaches because it takes away their food sources. Sealing pet food and pantry items in glass or plastic containers is also important. Roaches are resilient pests and excellent survivalists but, in the end, they still have to eat.

It’s also important to remember that Australian cockroaches need moisture. Leaky faucets and pipes create standing water and increase humidity. Keeping every part of your house dry and ventilated is part of a strong defense against cockroaches.

You should also do a regular check-up for holes and cracks that could let cockroaches and other outdoor pests into your home. That includes your garage and shed, where these pests could hide in boxes and be brought into your house accidentally.


Australian cockroaches have a unique style that sets them apart from other roach species. One thing they have in common with their relatives is that you don’t want them in your home or business. By following the tips above and staying alert, you can set up a good defense against Australian cockroaches and keep living your pest-free life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Australian cockroaches swim?

Australian cockroaches prefer environments with plenty of moisture but don’t live in water. They’re fast runners and can use their wings to fly away from danger. You probably won’t see them swimming in your pool, though.

You might’ve heard them mistakenly called “water bugs.” American cockroaches frequently get this name, too. However, true water bugs–which do, indeed, swim–are not cockroaches.

How can I tell the difference between Australian and American cockroaches?

It’s true that Australian cockroaches are similar to American roaches in size and shape. They both have wings and both are primarily brown or reddish-brown. The main difference you’ll be able to see is the presence of bright yellow stripes along the Australian roach’s wings.

What do baby Australian cockroaches look like?

Australian cockroach babies are called nymphs. They’re much smaller than the adults and don’t have their wings yet. You’ll still notice some yellow splotches along their backs. These patches of color become more pronounced as they enter their later nymphal stages.

Can Australian cockroaches fly?

Yes, Australian cockroaches have fully-developed wings that let them glide and fly. They’re not strongly attracted to lights like smokybrown cockroaches, but they’ll fly away from danger and glide short distances to find food.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by James Miksanek, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

James Miksanek, PhD

James Miksanek, PhD.

Science Editor

James is an entomologist and adjunct professor of biology. His background is in biological control, and he has a passion for ecology and environmental science. His research has addressed a variety of topics including pest control and the management of invasive species. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Jiang, Shiyao and Phillip E. Kaufman (2015) Australian cockroach. Featured Creatures. Retrieved from http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/URBAN/ROACHES/australian_cockroach.htm
  2. Australian Cockroach. OzAnimals. Retrieved from https://www.ozanimals.com/Insect/Australian-Cockroach/Periplaneta/australasiae.html
  3. Native Cockroaches. Australian Museum. Retrieved from https://australianmuseum.net.au/learn/animals/insects/native-cockroaches/
  4. Cockroaches. Better Health Channel. Retrieved from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/cockroaches
  5. Cockroaches: Key to Some Common Species Found in the United States. CDC. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/docs/pictorial_keys/cockroaches.pdf
  6. Periplaneta australasiae (2014) CSIRO. Retrieved from http://www.ces.csiro.au/aicn/system/c_481.htm
  7. The Cockroach FAQ. The Kunkel Lab. Retrieved from http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/kunkel/cockroach_faq.html#Q54

The Asian cockroach is a relative newcomer to the United States, making its debut here only in the mid-1980’s. When they were first discovered, the pest control worker collecting them simply assumed them to be German cockroaches. Which when you see them is no surprise.

Because Asian cockroaches look nearly identical to German roaches. In fact, it originally took specialized testing for researchers to realize they were dealing with something new.

These tricksters aren’t your typical home invaders. They might look just like their German relatives but their behavior reveals stark differences.

Keep reading to find out more about these differences, learn about the Asian cockroach’s behavior and discover tips for keeping your home safe from these unusual little pests.

How to Identify an Asian Cockroach

Asian cockroach adult, nymph,and egg case relative in size to a penny

Asian cockroaches (Blattella asahinai) look so much like German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) that even a professional will be hard-pressed to tell the difference. Both species are small and brown-colored. Both have wings and dark bands running down from their heads along their backs.

The details that distinguish the two species are fine: If you look very closely (much more closely than a living cockroach will let you) you can see that the border of an Asian cockroach’s abdomen is white while that of a German roach is colored.

Where Do Asian Cockroaches Live?

Asian cockroach range -United States
Range of the Asian cockroach in the United States (in orange).

The first U.S. Asian roaches were discovered in 1986 in Lakeland Florida, most likely having hitched a ride here in goods imported from Japan. By then, they’d already built up a significant population and spread across the state. Since then, the species has expanded to other states, massing in huge populations in many outdoor areas.

They’re most prevalent in southern states, including Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Texas. In some areas around Tampa, FL, these cockroaches live in incredibly dense groups–as many as 250,000 per acre!

The Asian cockroach is an outdoor species that most commonly lives in shaded areas. They especially like living in mulch and grass, where their numbers can rise into the ten thousands. They’ll also infest compost piles and feed on the organic material inside.

Asian cockroaches rarely invade homes and other buildings. However, since they’re attracted to lights, they sometimes fly through open windows and doors to land on the lights and television screens inside. These cockroaches aren’t the ruthless home invaders that German roaches can be, but there’s still a risk that they’ll multiply rapidly once they’ve come indoors.

The Life Cycle of Asian Cockroaches

Asian cockroach illustration: Egg case and female
Asian cockroach female and egg case

An average female Asian roach lays 4 egg cases over its lifetime with several dozen eggs in each. Asian cockroach nymphs are smaller than German nymphs; their egg cases are smaller, too. Their life spans are relatively short–only about 100 days.

Asian cockroaches are fairly seasonal. You can expect to see larger populations of adults in the spring and late summer. Nymph populations are at their peak during the summer months as they grow and molt.

Will You Come into Contact with Asian Cockroaches?

Asian roaches are nocturnal and become most active just after the sun sets. They’re quick to fly around outdoors and indoors. While they’re flying, you might mistake them for moths because of their size. Meanwhile, their “twins,” the German roaches, can’t fly very well at all.

Asian cockroaches have a strong attraction to every kind of light and even fly toward lightly colored surfaces. When they enter homes they’ll land on lamps, TVs, porch lights and more. These roaches are so strongly attracted to lights that they’ll fly from room to room as the lights are turned off in one and on in another.

Asian roaches can fly as far as 120 feet at a time. It can be pretty startling to see groups of them fly away at the same time. You might disturb a large number of them when tending to landscaping or mowing the lawn and, suddenly, find yourself surrounded by flying bugs. Don’t panic!

Luckily, Asian cockroaches won’t bite. They’re almost certainly flying away from you because you’re a dangerous threat. Of course, these flying cockroaches can still be frightening, especially in places where they gather in the thousands!

Asian Cockroaches Are Problematic Pests

Though they’re less likely than other cockroach species to invade your house and become a huge problem, they’re still something you don’t want hanging around your property. Asian cockroaches have a similar diet to their relatives–that means garbage, decomposing waste and other unpleasant things.

Their unsavory diet leads them to pick up all kinds of bacteria that they could potentially carry into your home. Even outside, they’ll contaminate any surfaces they touch, including garage equipment, countertops and gardening tools.

How to Get Rid of Asian Cockroaches

Asian cockroaches are tricky pests to control. It’s difficult to target them with pesticide sprays or baits because they can spread across large areas of land.

Their tendency to fly into houses (instead of climbing in through holes or cracks) also means standard perimeter sprays won’t work. These bugs go after the lights–especially bright white lights and yellow incandescent bulbs–and don’t enter through any specific pathways that can be blocked.

The most effective methods of controlling Asian cockroaches include bait in the form of pellets because it can be spread widely outdoors, covering gardens and lawns. Controlling a large population will be a long-term battle involving regular applications of the bait and careful monitoring of how the cockroaches respond.

If you have concerns about Asian cockroaches around your home, it’s probably best to call a pest control professional. They’ll be able to assess the problem and decide how to treat it going forward.

Tips for Preventing Asian Cockroaches in Your Home

Preventing Asian roaches mainly involves keeping the area around your house tidy and unattractive to these insects. By removing damp piles of leaves and keeping grass short, you can take away some of these insects’ potential habitats.

Researchers have found that oak leaf litter and rubber mulch are especially attractive to Asian cockroaches. Clearing litter and choosing another type of mulch could be effective parts of your cockroach-prevention plan.

Comprehensive cockroach control involves keeping the inside of your home clean, too. Dirty dishes and crumbs can provide easy sources of food for cockroaches and other pests. Though Asian roaches typically stay outside, you’ve already discovered that they’ll fly into houses when lights are on. You don’t want them to take a liking to your home once they’re inside.

Wash dishes and wipe counters each night to remove spills, crumbs and cooking leftovers that could attract pests. Change garbage bags as soon as they’re full to remove strong smells. Don’t forget to sweep and vacuum your floors, too.

It’s important to keep storage areas organized so pests have fewer places to hide. Practicing good cleaning habits and keeping a tidy home and garage are good general pest prevention tips that apply to Asian cockroaches and other roach species.


Asian cockroaches are primarily outdoor pests that can multiply into huge populations in grassy areas and gardens. They’re unwelcome insects and difficult to control, especially once they’ve established themselves as the primary pest in the area. But with a strategic plan (and, in some circumstances, help from a professional) you can keep these cockroaches away from your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Asian cockroaches have wings?

Yes, Asian cockroaches have fully formed wings that enable them to fly long distances. Their ability to fly lets them spread out quickly across fields and lawns, forming large populations. You might be startled by a group of them flying away if you’ve started mowing the lawn or sprayed the garden mulch with a hose. Don’t worry; they’re more scared of you and won’t stick around.

Do Asian cockroaches fly?

Yes, Asian cockroaches are strong fliers. Unlike German cockroaches which rarely fly, and American cockroaches which simply glide, these pests can fly over 100 feet at a time. Sometimes, they fly into homes and buildings toward light bulbs, TV screens and other light sources.

Do Asian cockroaches bite?

Asian cockroaches don’t bite humans (or pets). They’re quick to fly away from people and other animals. Indoors, it might appear that these flying roaches are following you from room to room. In fact, they’re simply following the lights–as you leave one room and turn off the lights, they’ll fly to the next room’s lamps and ceiling lights.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by James Miksanek, PhD.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

James Miksanek, PhD

James Miksanek, PhD.

Science Editor

James is an entomologist and adjunct professor of biology. His background is in biological control, and he has a passion for ecology and environmental science. His research has addressed a variety of topics including pest control and the management of invasive species. You can learn more about our contributors here.


1. Richman, Dina L. (2017) Asian Cockroach, Blattella asahinai Mizukubo. IFAS Extension. Retrieved from https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in277

2. Retrieved from https://urbanentomology.tamu.edu/cockroaches/asian-cockroach/

3. Williams, Larry (2013) Asian Cockroach – Is it a Pest of the Home or the Garden? IFAS Extension. Retrieved from http://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/hort/2013/08/12/asian-cockroach-is-it-a-pest-of-the-home

4. Trap Assisted Scouting for Asian Cockroach Management. (2018)

5. Snoddy, Edward T. and Arthur G. Appel (2013) Mulch Preferences of the Asian Cockroach. Journal of Economic Entomology. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1603/EC12032

The brown banded cockroach is frankly, a weird little pest…

It lives and lays its eggs in “high-up” places like the upper sections of walls and ceilings. The males are fast flyers but the females can’t fly. And while many other roaches live in wet or humid places, the brown banded roach is different – it prefers things dry.

Despite these unique characteristics, it’s often mistaken for the German cockroach – and not entirely without reason. Because both can be harmful household pests.

Brown banded roaches don’t live outdoors like the American cockroach or the Oriental cockroach, so if they take up a habitat in your home they’ll be determined to stay. Their diet and behavior make them tricky to control, too.

Keep reading to learn more about these tiny pests and discover important tips for controlling them and protecting your home from cockroach infestations.

Identifying Brown Banded Cockroaches

Brown banded cockroach adult, nymph, and egg case size comparison

The brown banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa, is a species of small roach named for the distinctive brown bands that stretch across the lower and middle parts of its abdomen. On another animal, they might look like a cute belt. But in a safe and healthy home, there’s nothing cute about finding a roach with stripes.

The insects grow to about 1/2 an inch in length–about the size of a German cockroach. Their bodies are narrow and fairly flat. Males have wings that extend past the tip of their abdomens, while females have shorter wings. If you see a flying brown banded cockroach, you’ll know it’s a male.

Where Do Brown Banded Cockroaches Live?

Brown banded cockroach range USA: Map illustration
The U.S. range of the brownbanded cockroach (in orange). Data courtesy of BugGuide.

The brownbanded cockroach probably originated in Africa. It might have been brought to the U.S. from Cuba and eventually spread to Europe. Today, the brown banded roach can be found in most U.S. states as well as Canada.

Knowing where brown banded cockroaches live will help you identify them. Unlike many other cockroach species that live primarily in rooms with plentiful food and water, brown banded roaches like to live in bedrooms, closets and other areas of a building. You might spot their tiny, light brown egg cases stuck to the ceiling or upper portions of walls.

Because of their preference for higher elevations, you might find them behind picture frames, on shelves, and within crawls spaces and cabinets. They’ve even been known to live inside clocks and radios. German cockroaches rarely live in these types of locations, so you can be fairly sure that the small roach you’ve found on a high shelf is a brown banded cockroach.

Exploring the Life Cycle of Brown Banded Cockroaches

Brown banded cockroach illustration: Egg and adult on picture frame
Females attach tiny egg capsules to walls, ceilings, shelves, and other objects.

Brownbanded cockroaches go through 3 growth phases, starting with an egg. A female deposits 18 eggs into a tiny, purse-shaped egg capsule called an oothecae, then carries it on her back for 24 to 36 hours before attaching it to furniture, shelves, ceilings and other objects that have been invaded.

Depending on temperature (which affects their life cycles significantly), it can take 80 to 124 days for a brown banded cockroach nymph (a baby) to become mature, after which it may live for another 60 days.

With a single adult female capable of producing hundreds of offspring per year, even light signs of cockroach activity should be concerning. You could be facing a serious infestation in no time.

Will I Notice Brown Banded Cockroaches in My Home?

Cockroaches certainly aren’t known for being picky eaters. Brownbanded roaches feed on everything from leftover food and organic material to paper, draperies, wallpaper and even glue. Their feeding habits can be destructive to many parts of your home, including important documents, cherished photos and your favorite furniture.

If brownbanded roaches infest your pantry, they can get into thin boxes or loose bags and contaminate lots of good food. As domestic roaches, they live their entire lives indoors. So once they find an easy food source in your house or apartment, you can count on them sticking around.

Before you know it, you might have a few hundred cockroaches sharing your leftovers and living in cracks in the walls or out-of-reach cabinets.

Brown Banded Cockroaches Can be Harmful Pests

Should you be concerned about brown banded roaches in your home? You should be.

They’re bad house guests at the very least. They’ll ruin your leftovers, invade your closets and take over your cabinets. They’re known to eat fabric, paper and nylon stockings, so your furniture and clothes aren’t even safe.

They’re a known vector for food-borne diseases and drug-resistant bacteria. They can be intermediate hosts for parasitic worms, and like several other roaches, their molted skins and droppings can trigger or worsen allergies.

How to Get Rid of Brown Banded Cockroaches

Disclaimer: This page is strictly for informational use. When using insecticides, keep in mind—the label is the law. Insecticides should be applied correctly and safely when needed, and according to the laws of your state or country.

Brown banded cockroaches respond best to a multi-pronged, integrated approach that combines sanitation with indoor insecticides.

You already know to pay special attention to areas that are high up, warm, and dry (cabinets, walls, shelves and the spaces around refrigerators are common points of infestation). Your plan will be to focus on these areas, while not neglecting other spaces.

You’ll begin by carefully inspecting your home, then cleaning thoroughly. Sticky cockroach traps laid down at this point can help identify hot spots, which you can begin to treat with cockroach gel bait, cockroach bait stations, insecticidal dust, or an insect growth regulator (click links to learn more about each treatment).

Because brown banded roaches tend to be more widely disbursed throughout a home than other types of roaches, they can present a special challenge to treat. As you begin your work, be diligent in your inspection to be sure you’re treating enough space.

Cockroach bombs are also available in many stores. These products attempt to poison roaches across wide areas. However, they aren’t very effective against cockroaches, including the brown banded.

For serious brown banded cockroach infestations, you may want to consider a pest control professional (see How to Hire a Roach Exterminator). They may use the same treatments you would use, but combine them with certain other methods.

Tips for Protecting Your Home from Brown Banded Cockroaches

Always start planning your pest management plan by thoroughly inspecting your home for weaknesses. Holes and crevices in walls and ceilings provide easy entry points for roaches. If you live in an apartment, these small openings in shared walls and ceilings allow roaches to move from unit to unit and spread throughout the building.

Unlike other cockroach species, you won’t have to focus too intently on the bathroom. However, keeping a clean kitchen is an important part of preventing any type of pest infestation–especially cockroaches.

Always wash your dishes or load them into the dishwasher before you go to bed. Wipe your counters and stovetop to remove cooking residue and crumbs. And don’t forget to sweep or vacuum regularly–carpets might hide crumbs from guests but they won’t hide them from pests.

You can also call a professional to do regular inspections and spray for cockroaches and other pests.


Brown banded cockroaches do things a bit differently from other species. Nonetheless, they’re a dangerous and disgusting pest that’s best kept out of your home.

Follow the above tips to control cockroaches and keep them out: brush up on your cleaning habits, seal holes and crevices and use baits to fight back if you see signs of roach activity. Now that you have the information, it’s time to get started. You can do this.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do brown banded cockroaches fly?

Both males and females have wings but only the males can fly. This is because the male roach’s wings are longer, extending past the tip of its abdomen and giving it the ability to fly away quickly. You won’t see swarms of them flying around, but even one cockroach taking off toward the ceiling can be a scary sight in the middle of the night.

Can brown banded cockroaches trigger allergies?

They can trigger reactions, including itchy eyes and sneezing, in people who are sensitive to allergens. As they grow, brown banded nymphs molt their skin. These discarded skins, along with the droppings they leave behind are what cause allergic reactions.

Do brown banded cockroaches live in drains?

Unlike other cockroach species, the brown banded cockroach has less need for moisture. Instead of living in drains and sewers, it lives high off the ground, in ceilings, cabinets and furniture.

Will brown banded cockroaches eat my clothes?

They have a wide-ranging diet that includes items like book bindings, wallpaper and glue. They’ve also been known to eat nylon stockings. However, clothing is not typically part of a brown banded cockroach’s diet.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Disclaimer: This page is strictly for informational use. When using insecticides, keep in mind—the label is the law. Insecticides should be applied correctly and safely when needed, and according to the laws of your state or country.

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Jacobs, Steve (2017) Brownbanded Cockroaches. PennState Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/brown-banded-cockroaches
  2. Cockroaches. University of Maryland Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/cockroaches
  3. Jiang, Shiyao and Andrea Lucky (2016) Brownbanded Cockroach. Featured Creatures. Retrieved from http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/URBAN/roaches/brown-banded_cockroach.htm
  4. Facts About Brownbanded Roaches. Hulett Environmental Services. Retrieved from https://www.bugs.com/bug-database/roaches/brown-banded-roach/
  5. Cockroaches. Got Pests? Retrieved from https://www.maine.gov/dacf/php/gotpests/bugs/cockroaches.htm
  6. Potter, Michael F. and G. Mark Beavers. (2018) Cockroach Control. Kentucky Pesticide Safety Education Program. Retrieved from http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Entomology/PSEP/cat8cockroaches.html